Cooking With Kids: 5 Reasons You Should Be Doing It

There are many reasons to teach your kids to cook. Children are more likely to eat foods they don’t want to otherwise if they help you make it. It gives confidence and good life experience to the kids. Kids can get a better sense of what food is healthy and what’s not, both in terms of what ingredients are healthy and what they do for specific parts of your body. Most importantly, it brings your family together for fun and educational activities.

Key Takeaways:

  • Even toddlers can observe their parents in the kitchen and “help” with small, easy tasks.
  • Kids who know how to cook are more willing to try new foods.
  • Cooking gives parents an opportunity to talk to their kids about healthy eating.

“It’s a basic life skill, after all, being comfortable enough in the kitchen to pull a few ingredients into a simple meal.”

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About Sensory Edge 174 Articles
Articles written by SensoryEdge are a combined effort of the SensoryEdge publishing staff. At SensoryEdge our focus is to educate, inform, and inspire each person caring for children to be and do their very best. It is not always easy and sometimes we don't take action (or we take the wrong action) because of a lack of understanding the real issues. We hope that the conversations that occur here will help in some small way better the lives of children, their families, and the professionals who work with them.