New Everything: How to Transition Your Kids after a Move




Moving can be really tough on kids. They have to leave their friends and adjust to a completely new school and environment. As a parent, you have to make the transition as easy as possible for your child. If you help your child with the transition, she will feel less scared. Here are some tips on how to help your child transition after a move. 
Throw a Going Away Party
Think about throwing a going away party before you move. Invite family members and your child’s friends to this party. During this party, your child can officially say goodbye to everyone and exchange contact information.

Go To New Neighborhood Beforehand

If the neighborhood you are moving to is not too far away, you should visit it with your child beforehand. Just drive around the neighborhood so that your child will become more familiar with his new environment. Walk around the different parks in the neighborhood and bring a picnic lunch. Do not be afraid to start talking to people in the neighborhood. For example, if you are at a grocery store, do not hesitate to introduce yourself to the cashier and tell her about your move. If your child visits the new neighborhood beforehand, he will feel more comfortable about moving there.

Visit the New School before His First Day 

It is likely that your child feels pretty nervous about going to a new school, so you should visit the new school with him a few days before his first day. Walk through the school with him and meet with the principal, teachers and other staff members. Encourage your child to talk to the school personnel and ask questions. If your child gets a chance to meet his teacher and principal beforehand, he will feel much more comfortable on his first day of school.

Seek Out After School Activities

Help your child make a lot of new friends by seeking out after school activities. For example, if your child is athletic, you should sign him up to play baseball or basketball after school. If he is the artistic type, you can sign him up for a painting or pottery class. 

 Get Them Involved with Moving

Kids will feel better if they can get involved with the moving process. Give them a box to put all their favorite toys in, so they know where all their favorite things are when unpacking. Have them meet the movers, and show them the moving truck, storage unit or other means that will help you move. They will feel more comfortable if they are involved in the entire process.
Getting used to a new town and school might be difficult for your child at first, but he will get used to it. If you do everything you can to help transition him after the move, he will be just fine. 
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