Technology in the Classroom – What are Good Tech Goals?

Technology in the Classroom
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How to implement technology goals for children in your class

Teachhub has an interesting article on how technology has been somewhat undermined and underrated in the classroom.  According the Teachhub, setting realistic, age-appropriate, technology goals for children is the key to successfully implementing technology in the classroom.  Kids should know how to solve problems that block workflow (for example, tech issues, and the fact that technology breaks down).  They need to become a tech savvy person who should be able to find the quickest resolve to their issue.

Teachers & Students Work Together for Effective Technology in the Classroom

The teacher needs to help students understand the proper tools for each job and how to utilize the tools to the maximum.   Students should know/learn how to take familiar knowledge into unfamiliar territory, and be able to solve their issues sufficiently.   Kids can take tech knowledge and tools from the home environment or different classes through knowledge adaptation.

Students need to be taught to be good digital citizens  and technology in the classroom is a good way to introduce this concept. In other words, the internet is a dangerous place for some, and unsuspecting kids can get into some bad things by choice; or by accident. Awareness and good judgement are key to being safer on the internet. For more information on how to create good tech goals for the classroom see the original article here:
Technology in the Classroom: What are Good Tech Goals?


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