Social-emotional skills allow a person to control emotions, empathize, and master collaboration. These traits will go a long way toward helping a person find satisfaction and success in life. Schools should involve parents as much as possible by learning about them, teaching them how to set goals, set family liaisons, have a family resource center, and by teaching families how to develop socially and emotionally. Families should highlight a child’s strengths, use visual aids, talk about feelings, remain calm, apologize, help and share.
Key Takeaways:
- Having strong social-emotional skills lets someone control emotions, empathize, and collaborate.
- School can provide resource centers and teach families to make goals and connect to reach SEL standards.
- Families should focus on their child’s strengths, stay calm, discuss issues and learn to apologize.
“Schools should create a physical space where family members know they can go to pick up resources or books related to social-emotional development.”