Indispensable Advice for Kids about New Years

Indispensable Advice for Kids about New Years
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Indispensable advice for kids about New Year’s Eve is important because it’s beginning to look a lot like New Year’s everywhere we go.  From the “Auld Lang Syne” music loop at the department stores to the Christmas clearance items at Kohl’s.

More than anything, however, we get a sense that the past year has gone by so fast. We are reminded again how time flies, and that the new year will go by quickly as well. So it’s time for resolutions because everyone wants to do better for the new year. In other words, the New Year’s holiday makes everyone try to get perspective on what to do with their lives.

What does New Year’s Day teach to children?

Fortunately, new year’s day provides the opportunity to expand what we’ve learned from Christmas.  It’s a time to look back on the past year focusing on all of the good times.  Even, and particularly, if the last year has been full of disappointment, struggles, and loss, the start of a new year is an incredible opportunity to pay attention to the goodness in our lives.  Children require something more than just ordinary resolutions. As valuable as resolutions can be, what children need more is a narrative that makes sense of their resolutions and offers meaning and purpose to their lives.
For more indispensable advice for kids about New Years, read the original article here:

Three Essential Things Parents Should Share with their Kids on New Year’s Day

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