Although schools would love to utilize the latest programs and technology, the costs and ever decreasing budgets usually stand in the way. After all, many teachers use their own money to stock essential supplies for their classroom. Furthermore, most students cannot complete certain assignments at home because they do not have internet access. However, there are grants which can help such issues. The Kajeet Homework Gap Grant is just one of five grants that educators can apply for to help them catch up to modern technology and purchase programs to help students.
Key Takeaways:
- Using the latest technology and programs can be difficult for schools with shrinking budgets.
- Many children lack internet access at their home to help them complete school projects.
- There are many grants out there that allow a struggling school’s to utilize the latest technology and programs.
“The stark realities of the homework gap and the digital divide also become more apparent during the school year, when many students are left without home internet access or without the right device to complete assignments at home.”
Read more: https://www.eschoolnews.com/2018/07/31/5-grants-to-address-digital-inequities-and-fund-classrooms/