Behavior Referrals Plummeted While Attendance Skyrocketed in This District. Here’s Why …

Suspensions have been historically used to punish students in order to teach them the consequences of their behavior. Unfortunately, public school officials have known for quite awhile that this method of punishment was not effective in deterring students from participating in defiant behavior. Instead, more and more schools are incorporating more direct methods such as making students work off the damage that they have caused in order to teach them responsibility in a more hands-on way.

Key Takeaways:

  • A student damaged a textbook, and instead of suspension, he was given chores around the school until he paid it off.
  • Public schools have known for quite awhile that suspension was proving to be ineffective.
  • After teachers participated in a two-day training program, putting forth the skills they had learned resulted in a decline in suspensions and expulsions.

“But rather than kicking him out of school, staff tried an alternative to suspension.”

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About Sensory Edge 174 Articles
Articles written by SensoryEdge are a combined effort of the SensoryEdge publishing staff. At SensoryEdge our focus is to educate, inform, and inspire each person caring for children to be and do their very best. It is not always easy and sometimes we don't take action (or we take the wrong action) because of a lack of understanding the real issues. We hope that the conversations that occur here will help in some small way better the lives of children, their families, and the professionals who work with them.