Building Self Confidence in Your Child


Do you have a child that doesn’t want to play with other kids or participate in activities? It may not be that your child is a wallflower, she may just lack self confidence.

Building self confidence in a child is paramount to helping her be a successful and well adjusted adult. Children with self confidence are a lot less likely to be pressured into less than positive activities by other kids once they reach their teenage years.

How to build self confidence in your child is another matter. No one has to tell you that all kids are a different. Many parents comment how their own children can be different as night and day. However, any child can benefit from a self esteem boost. Finding something the child does well and can feel that they excel at will help build confidence. When you get toys for your kids, make sure they are age appropriate as giving a child a toy that is too advanced for her learning level can lead to frustration and a loss of self esteem for not being able to “work” the toy or use it.

Art is a wonderful way for many children to develop self esteem. Show your child pictures of the works of various great artists from the past. Your child may be frustrated that her artworks don’t look like photographs, and you can show her through the work of Monet or Picasso that art doesn’t have to look like a photo – it’s about the story the artist wants to tell.

Try various avenues such as chalk, pastels, markers, crayons and it’s even better if you have an art desk that its their size. Post his or her displays her works in the place arond the house and watch the giant smiles. This will create a sense of pride and build confidence that mommy and daddy think the product is good enough to display for guests.

Looking for more information on self-confidence? Check out the article the Four Cornerstones of High Self-Confidence
self confidence

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