It’s often difficult for many families of those on the autism spectrum to do everyday things in life for fear of what strangers will do or say if their child melts down. And a place that tantrums often happen is in a cold unfamiliar check-out line because kids can’t just can’t endure being in this environment any longer.
Have you ever thought about how society reacts to individuals who think and react differently to the world?
In order to improve this experience and to help out all customers, stores can create special places for kids. Places such as sensory lines for younger customers to experience a sense of calmness and peace when anxiety is screaming to take over. These experiences allow all shoppers to go along with their business while allowing the family of children with variances in educational and emotional levels to feel like they are functioning as a normal family would.
A Shop Rite in Pennsylvania recently introduced a special checkout aisle, and the modification could help kids on the spectrum. They removed the candy display next to registers and began presenting a variety of toys such as Play-Doh, putty, puzzles and more.
The idea for the store’s new checkout lane came from a Mom with a 5-year-old Autistic daughter. She reports that her daughter can sometimes go into full tantrum mode when she feels overloaded with sensory input. She contends that if you just look at putty or a fidget toy as an alternative expression of the anxiety the child feels inside, you’ll appreciate how it can soothe little ones that are struggling.
For more about this great idea for shoppers, read the original article here:
Supermarket Employs Genius Idea To Help Soothe Kids With Autism