Early Halloween Ideas

Can you believe it? Halloween is only a few months away. You know the routine. You may have fond memories of yourself in younger years enjoying the sweets filled holiday. Soon, our little ones will be expecting their favorite costumes. They will be going door-to-door collecting treats from our friends and neighbors. But, Halloween falls on a Friday this year. Maybe you and your youngsters would like to try something a bit different this year?

A fun suggestion for this upcoming Halloween would be a Halloween slumber party for your child and his or her friends. Now is the time to start thinking about how many children your child might like to invite to the event. More importantly, how many children can you handle at the slumber party. There are plenty of fun-filled activities that can be planned for the evening. Below is a list of a few suggestions we believe will help the children have an enjoyable night.

-Let the kids trick or treat early in your neighborhood. The kids will want to fill their bags with candy. This will allow them to burn off some of that trapped energy.

-Rent a few Halloween movies. After the kids return to your home, let them kick back and watch a few Halloween movies. Be careful though. If you rent a scary movie, make sure it is appropriate for all who are attending.

-If there are kids not interested in watching the movie, set up a few fun board games.

-Set up a designated area of your home for the kids to sleep. Sometimes they can fight over a bed or a couch.

-Lastly, buy a fun and easy breakfast for the morning. Bagels with cream cheese, or pre-sliced fruits would work well. One hundred percent juice boxes are good morning drinks and easy cleanup.

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