Genius busy bag ideas for church (and other quiet places)

10 Calming Sensory Strategies
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It is no wonder children have such a hard time sitting still and being quiet, the screens that are used for their entertainment keep them highly stimulated, and they’re used to that stimulation. There are ways to keep your fidgety kids quiet and engaged in places like church where they will still be able to learn. There is something called busy bags, they are filled with small toys that keep their hands busy but their minds engaged. The toys that are in these bags will vary based on the age and skill level of your child.

Key Takeaways:

  • It’s no wonder kids have hard time sitting still, they are accustomed to the busy, fast moving, screens that they use.
  • You can keep their hands busy while still keeping their minds engaged, instead of distracting them with a screen.
  • A busy bag is the best way to keep their hands busy and minds engaged, small toys are easy activities will vary based on the child’s skill level.

“Not only is it important to have screen-free fun, it’s necessary in places where screens would be a distraction, such as in church.”

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