How can we get teachers excited about teaching again? Vicki Davis laments the fact that, according to a recent Gallup poll, sixty-nine percent of teachers don’t feel engaged in their work. And in particular, they don’t feel emotionally engaged.
Are you truly engaged with your students?
Vicki interviewed Sean McComb, National Teacher of the Year award winner in 2014, who has shared his tips on what to do when teaching gets you down.
Sean shares how he battled with depression that came from a time when he had students who were unsuccessful in passing his class exam twice. To make matters worse, he was in charge of students for their final period of the day, and he was painfully aware that nobody wanted to be there.
Listen to Sean’s podcast to learn ways to get out of your teaching slump. If you find yourself in a depressed place, his advice can help you. He offers tips about difficult classes and how to keep your morale up when your students are failing state tests.
In addition, he points out how beneficial it is for you to have a support system and even how you can build relationships and a support system with colleagues in your school system that will help you when you feel down.
Learn more about how to get excited about teaching again in the original article here:
3 Ways to Get Back Up When Teaching Knocks You Down