A classroom where the student body is doing more or less as it pleases, irregardless of the educator at the top of the room, is not a place for learning. For learning to happen their needs to be more than a curriculum and a desire to offer and instill it. There has to be leadership. Leadership is not pushing. Leadership is confident and gains the interest of the students it wishes to teach by wooing them with presentation skills. Good leaders have the ability to discipline, where warranted. This can take the form of a contract, written and displayed for all to see, noting that certain behaviors will warrant certain negative consequences. It can be no more than a stern reprimand. The important thing is that it be delivered uniformly and fairly and that each educator know when the limit of their system has been reached. In such case the principal has to be brought into the picture. Good educational leaders have eagle eyes and they refuse to get so caught up in the rebellious ones that they forget to pat the back of the quiet do-gooders. Great teacher educators understand the need to bring parents on board. And they always have an extra trick or two up their sleeve for the students that are more difficult to inspire.
Key Takeaways:
- A teacher who is charismatic is more able to hold onto students’ attention.
- Learn the leadership skills that work best for you and be sure to apply them consistently.
- If you give kids rewards, they can be small and simply such as a sticker or a pencil.
“How to discipline students correctly is not often talked about much in college Education courses. However, it is a course they should consider adding sometime soon. The inability to discipline properly is one of the most challenging aspects of leadership skills.”
Read more: https://www.theeducator.com/blog/2644-2/