Today, many children are spending far too much time sitting indoors in front of the TV or video game screen. Get ’em up and moving for some old fashioned fun with their very own pedal cars and planes.
Pedal cars promote creative play, while getting your child out in the sunshine and fresh air for some much needed exercise. And pedal cars are far more enticing than ordinary bicycles. Remember how much you wanted to drive your very own car when you were little, just like mom and dad?
Let your child emulate everyday heroes with an old fashioned Police Pedal Car, or a fabulous Fire Truck with working bell and ladder hooks. These gorgeous recreations of the emergency vehicles of yesterday are crafted with quality in mind. What child wouldn’t be thrilled to the bone to find one of these pedal cars with a bow wrapped around it just for them?
Some Pedal Cars look like a classic auto show replica. These beauties come in a rainbow of colors and you won’t believe the quality of materials used in constructing these pedal cars. Real chrome steering wheel and hubcaps, and solid duralast tires compliment this pedal car’s all steel construction. Overall, a great investment for years of playing fun to come. This pedal car is sure to become a family heirloom to pass down to the grandkids.
Pedal cars offer the opportunity for the kind of creative play that opens up a child’s mind to life’s possibilities