SensoryEdge Classroom Seating Rugsprovide a place where children can sit for lessons, games and interact with others. Help students understand boundaries in school.
Keeping children within the guidelines of social distance rules is important in classrooms and this rug helps. The school style carpet allows each child to have their own spaces.
Articles written by SensoryEdge are a combined effort of the SensoryEdge publishing staff. At SensoryEdge our focus is to educate, inform, and inspire each person caring for children to be and do their very best. It is not always easy and sometimes we don't take action (or we take the wrong action) because of a lack of understanding the real issues. We hope that the conversations that occur here will help in some small way better the lives of children, their families, and the professionals who work with them.
So what exactly is a teacher to do in a room full of distracted children? That’s the question that I’m sure every teacher has asked themselves at least once. An important classroom management tip involves […]
Always enter your classroom with a positive and optimistic outlook for the day. It has been said that teaching is the most important job, but nobody said it was easy to do. By setting up smaller […]
Schools across the country are being advised to use restorative approaches as a replacement for suspensions. Restorative practices in schools do more than displace punitive methods for disciplining. They can noticeably enhance the school climate […]