Sensory Belt
Sensory Strategies

Pro Baseball Player Invents the Sensory Belt and Becomes a Special Needs Advocate

Chances are, Matt Bruback is one of the few pitchers in professional baseball history who feels grateful about taking a line drive off the knee.

The injury spurred him to create a weighted belt that was originally designed to help baseball players with balance and body awareness, but the Sensory Belt evolved into a product that benefits children with autism and ADHD, improving concentration, focus, and sensory deficits […]

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Sensory Strategies

Sensory Processing Disorder – Part 2

We all have sensory qualities that make us who we are. However, when these neurological qualities interrupt our participation in life in a negative way, it should be recognized and accommodated. There are many children […]

girl writing on paper
Child Development

Keeping Kids Focused

As a parent, I continuously struggle with teaching my kids to focus on tasks I give them. Then, one day, I realized that with a little variation I can teach my kids to focus as […]