Featured Products

Classroom Furniture Choices: The Right Stuff

Your current classroom furniture should be anatomically appropriate. In other words, school furniture must be student friendly. When furniture is comfortable for a student, their productivity is far better. Older student desks were the paddle […]

faceless toddler playing with wooden shapes of different size and pasta at home while putting biggest shape on
Activities for Kids

Pretend Play in the Classroom

Pretend play brings out the creativity in children while encouraging them to invent their own ideas and learning cooperative play. Teachers love to see their students engaging in this kind of play because it makes the day go smoother. Having the right items in your school room encourage dramatic play at school. […]

classroom storage
Classroom Management

Classroom Storage: Making Learning Fun

An organized classroom is a fun and efficient classroom. To maximize daily schedules, teachers need to organize their materials for easier reference so they can separate materials they use everyday from materials periodically. […]