woman sitting on a yoga ball
Sensory Smart Activities

I Love My Stability Ball!

It sometimes feels strange to say you love an object but the plain simple truth is I love my stability ball. I first purchased an exercise ball I because my physical therapist recommended it for stretching my back. I was having back pain and hip pain and I could not find the source of what was causing it. I don’t lift heavy things and although I work out I don’t do strenuous exercise so I just could not figure it out. […]

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Child Development

Childhood Obesity and Exercise

With the rates of childhood obesity and other food related illnesses climbing each and every year, now is the perfect time to get your child moving! Cold weather doesn’t have to put a damper in […]

Featured Products

Active Sitting in the Classroom

Our Friends at Ball Dynamics provided the following great information about sitting trends for kids at school. Check out the selection of sitting tools at SensoryEdge Active sitting, or unsupported sitting, is a concept where […]

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Special Education

Toys for Children with Autism

If you have an autistic child, you know it can be a real challenge to reach your child and also keep him entertained. Toys that stimulate are always good choices for autistic children. There are […]

Gymnic Therapy Balls
Sensory Strategies

Toys That Stimulate Special Needs Children

For parents and caregivers of children with special needs, the quest for the right toys—those that are not only age-appropriate but also engaging and developmentally beneficial—can be a daunting task. Children with special needs, much like their peers, have an intrinsic desire to play, explore, and learn […]

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Sensory Smart Activities

Therapy Balls Provide Developmental Fun

Everyone knows that children love playing with balls, but did you know that therapy balls can actually help with your child’s physical development? Therapy balls are used in different ways to assist muscle tone development, […]