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Child Development

Safety: Cooking with Little Ones Around

If you’re a parent, you probably find yourself with little ones underfoot several times a week while making dinner. Whether you’re making spaghetti or grilled cheese, kids love to help. Unfortunately, sometimes it isn’t feasible […]

family making breakfast in the kitchen
Activities for Kids

Get Kids Involved in the Kitchen

One great way to get your kids involved in the kitchen is to let them feel involved. Allow them to do simple tasks like opening packages, measuring liquids and dry ingredients and fetching bowls and pots for you. This can give a child a really great sense of involvement by helping you. […]

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Child Development

Learning Through Pretend Play

A common complaint that many parents have for finding toys for their children is so many toys do not encourage pretend play. Many toys manufactured today run so efficiently the child winds up sitting back […]

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Child Development

Your Kid Can Be Top Chef!

All children love to help in the kitchen and while that’s not always possible, they can pretend play making their own creations whether with their parents in the kitchen or at their own kitchen pretend […]