The Joys Of A Step Stool For Toddlers

Life can be frustrating for little ones who aren’t tall enough to see over the kitchen counter. When you’re a toddler all you want is to learn how to do things by yourself. You want to pour your own juice, you want to get your own fish crackers

and in our house you want to desperately try to change the tv station. You want to be able to do these things, but you just aren’t tall enough. Heck, you’d be happy to be able to wash your own hands in the bathroom without having to have somebody lift you up so you can reach the sink. As a toddler you know these things, and it makes life kind of frustrating.

Kid Sized Step stools
will help your toddler become more independent because more items are within their reach and they will be able to learn how to do more things for themselves. Create a splash around the house with a fun step stool that is colorful and practical. There are different types of step ups including single stepped step stools, two stepped step stools, step stools that come with built in storage, themed step stools and even personalized step stools. There are also a couple of “deluxe” stools that are more than simple step ups.

One of these “deluxe” step stools is the Learning Tower Step Stool which boasts a sturdy and special “non tip” construction design. This stool is actually more of a platform. This stool raises little ones up to the same height as the counter top which allows them to “help” with projects like making dinner. One of the greatest things about the Learning Tower Step Stool is that it is four-sided. It not only gives the toddlers a higher perspective but it has a railing on all sides to keep them from accidentally tumbling backwards off of the stool. The stool’s “floor” is also larger than the average step stool, which affords the toddler room to walk around a little bit. It also makes a really good clubhouse if you toss a blanket over the top of it during play time.

Another “deluxe” step stool is the Guidecraft Kitchen Helper The that was made with easy storage in mind, as it’s really simply to fold up and store in a small space. The Guidecraft Kitchen Helper features the same raised platform design as the Learning Tower Step Stool. It has the four sided railing and wider “floor” which will help your miniature kitchen staffer move around with more confidence.

step stools help kids learn to do things for themselves. With a step stool little ones can turn the lights on and off by themselves, they can reach the bathroom sink by themselves. This is mostly a good thing, in terms of your child’s sense of independence, but you might want to think about possibly putting the yummiest treats on an even higher kitchen shelf from now on!

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