Activities for Kids

12 Fun Sensory Activities for Autistic Children

Children on the autism spectrum often have issues coping with everyday sensory stimuli that can make dealing with the world they live in difficult. Stimulating their senses through sensory play can help not only in this area, but to support development on social, cognitive, and numerous other levels. […]

woman sitting on a yoga ball
Sensory Smart Activities

I Love My Stability Ball!

It sometimes feels strange to say you love an object but the plain simple truth is I love my stability ball. I first purchased an exercise ball I because my physical therapist recommended it for stretching my back. I was having back pain and hip pain and I could not find the source of what was causing it. I don’t lift heavy things and although I work out I don’t do strenuous exercise so I just could not figure it out. […]

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Sensory Smart Activities

Activity Sand & Water Table

Outdoor activities are a great way to get your children outside in the fresh air. The Activity Sand & Water Table that we have at is the perfect way for your children to experience […]

Sensory Smart Activities

The Dizzy Disc

Children love to run around and play. They also love to go around in a circle and make themselves dizzy. On swing-sets, they will go round and round in circles until the swing is all twisted up and let go. They will spin and spin until the swing is back to normal. They might even get their hands on a stool and sit on the seat and spin. […]

Sensory Smart Activities

Spellmaster Wood Teching Toy

Teaching toys are a great way for your child to experience educational fun. Here at we are proud to offer you the Spellmaster Wood Teaching Toy. This unique teaching toy allows your child to […]

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Sensory Smart Activities

Pumpkin Carving

With Halloween around the corner, many of you will be picking up pumpkins for you and your children to carve. Although this is a fun-filled activity for you and your child, there are safety measures […]

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Sensory Smart Activities


Puzzles are creative activities that let children use their minds. John Spilsbury made the first jigsaw puzzle in 1760. Spilsbury was a British engraver and mapmaker. He mounted a map on a sheet of wood. […]