Classroom Rugs

Night Sky Serene Seating Rug

The Night Sky Serene Classroom Seating Rug is a major statement carpet for modern classroom settings. It features a black background with light gray borders. This rug is made to last. […]

SensoryEdge Serene Seating Rugs
Classroom Rugs

Serene Seating Rugs for Classrooms

Over the years we’ve seen classrooms change in design. No longer do you find rows of seats and desks.
The new trend is to create pods and keep kids more engaged. Teachers also know that keeping kids sitting is a recipe for disaster. Rugs in school have been commonplace for decades. […]

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Even Bears Like our Hammocks!

People know that they should keep their distance from bears. They usually will leave us alone unless they feel threatened or are protecting their cubs. However one bear must have needed a little “me time” as […]

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Fathead Wall Graphics at SensoryEdge

We’re sure you’ve seen the commercials for Fathead Giant Wall Graphics. You know, the ones of giant football, basketball and baseball players almost coming off the wall into your family room or playroom. Did you […]

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Can a Toy Box Save your Sanity?

Over the last few years, building contractors have made the average home a lot larger. As a consumer nation we have a tendency to buy things and lots of it. Modern day young people are […]