There’s no better time to get kids active than after the holidays! Once all the turkeys are carved and the gifts are unwrapped, you may find your children getting a little stir crazy from being inside during the holiday break. Fortunately, even if where you live isn’t ideal for outdoor play during the winter months, there are plenty of ways to get up and get active in your own home.
For hop, skipping, and jumping fun during and after the holidays consider these ideas to get kids moving!
Exercise and balance balls are favorites among kids and grown ups alike. Your children will love bouncing up and down and trying to balance on the ball, while you can take advantage of one of several great workouts geared toward exercise balls. There are even models that come with unique shapes that make falls and spills less likely for little ones. Just make sure you do your workouts in an area without furniture with sharp corners.
Balance toys are another great choice for kids of any age. These can include walking paths or platforms where children can fine tune their balancing skills while having fun. Many models can be put together and taken apart for easy storage mobility.
Indoor mini trampolines have always been a favorite among children. They will get the same fun as with an outdoor model, but without the risk of falls and injury. Many models even come with a handle for added balance, so even young toddlers and preschoolers can get in on the action. Best of all, trampolines are top notch for burning calories and staying in shape, but your kids will be having so much fun they won’t suspect a thing.
You may also consider getting an indoor swing for your infant or toddler. While older kids are out having fun at the park, your little one will love bouncing and swinging from any door frame in your home. Just remember to supervise carefully, and to be sure the swing is attached securely to avoid falls. Many newer models have added safety features, so they are safer and more fun than ever.
How about some hopping games? They come in various varieties, and have the ability to get kids moving while playing their favorite games. Whether they like stepping stones or play mats, they will enjoy making up new games and playing old favorites like hopscotch. They’ll also be learning space perception and fine turning major muscle groups that help with balance and coordination.