What Autism Feels Like

What Autism Feels Like
photo credit: www.anonymouslyautistic.net

If you’ve never experienced it firsthand, you may not know what autism feels like, but it can feel a bit like you’re out of sync with the world.  Autism is a neuro-developmental disorder that is described as someone having fluctuating degrees of problems with social interaction, verbal and nonverbal communication, and sensory processing.

Did you know that a person on the autism spectrum can also suffer from extreme sensitivity?

Most people understand autism spectrum disorder (ASD) as a condition affecting communication and social interaction, but many people with this condition can have sensory sensitivity, or sensory integration problems as well.  Autism is classed as a spectrum disorder, which means that symptoms can fluctuate a lot from person to person.  However, it is a lifelong condition for anyone who is diagnosed, which can make it easier for those struggling with it to see autism as a part of their identity.

People living with autism are frequently struggling with social skills because some just see the world in a different way than the rest.  For example, autistic people usually look at language for its precise and literal meaning, and they have a hard time understanding the flow and significance of conversation.  Sarcasm, commonly used phrases, and suggested meaning are typical problems for people living with autism.

For more about trying to understand what autism feels like, read the original article here:

What does Living with Autism Feel like?

Autism, officially known as Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), is a complex developmental condition that involves persistent challenges in social interaction, speech and nonverbal communication, and restricted/repetitive behaviors. The effects of ASD and the severity of symptoms are different in each person. Autism is called a “spectrum” disorder because there is wide variation in the type and severity of symptoms people experience.

ASD is found in individuals around the world regardless of race, culture, or economic background, and it is diagnosed more often in males than females. The symptoms of autism generally appear by the age of 2 or 3, though early intervention can lead to significant improvements in symptoms and quality of life.

There is no single cause for autism. Research suggests that autism develops from a combination of genetic and nongenetic, or environmental, influences. These influences appear to increase the risk that a child will develop autism. However, it’s important to keep in mind that increased risk is not the same as cause. For instance, some gene changes associated with autism can also be found in people who don’t have the disorder.

Key characteristics of ASD include:

  1. Social Communication Challenges: People with ASD may find it difficult to understand or use social cues such as eye contact, facial expressions, and gestures. They may have difficulties in sharing emotions or understanding others’ emotions, leading to challenges in forming and maintaining relationships.
  2. Repetitive and Restrictive Behaviors: Individuals with autism might engage in repetitive movements, have specific routines that they refuse to alter, or be fascinated by parts of objects (like the wheels of a toy car). They may also have intense interests in specific subjects.
  3. Sensory Sensitivities: Many people with ASD may be over-sensitive or under-sensitive to certain sounds, lights, textures, or other sensory inputs, which can affect their behaviors and preferences.

Diagnosis of ASD is based on an assessment of developmental history and behavior. There is no medical test for autism; it is diagnosed by observing how the child talks and acts in comparison to other children of the same age. Treatments for autism are tailored to the individual’s needs and may include behavioral therapy, speech and language therapy, and medications to manage symptoms.

Early diagnosis and intervention are critical for improving outcomes for individuals with autism, providing them with the skills to achieve their full potential.

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