Is your little girl getting curious about make-up? When is the right age to let a child experiment with make-up? It is a difficult decision for some. It is an easy decision for others. There is no magic book that will give you the right answer. The simple fact is that you have to judge the situation based on your child and yourself. People have different beliefs on this subject. That is perfectly ok. What is good for one is not always good for all.
Little girls have a great time playing dress up. A kids sized vanity is the finishing touch that kids need. You may remember yourself as a child dressing up in your mother’s old clothes and putting on her make-up. While this is a fun experience, younger girls are starting to wear make-up at a younger age in their daily lives. Lip-gloss and eyeliner are becoming more popular for younger girls. Many times they want to look older, or their friends are wearing make-up.
It is important to sit down with you child and talk about this situation. It may be that you agree on the right age, or appropriate make-up. It may be that you do not agree. But, an open line of communication on the subject can do nothing but help you and your child’s experience. Each situation is unique. Communicate with your child and find out what’s right for the both of you.