5 Fun Activities to Keep Kids Happy During Spring Break


Spring Break is here and it’s the perfect time to give your kids a breather from school work. Some families take this opportunity to travel. For others, staying around town is more their speed. Especially with gas prices sky high! Either way, kids need something to do. Letting them spend their whole vacation in front of the tv, online or with a phone in their hand is not the best way to engage their minds and bodies.D6E86526-9D6D-4BD7-8E48-361D65F14A1E

Staying at home in Spring Break doesn’t mean kids have to have a boring vacation. There are a lot of  activities that parents can do with their children that are fun and keep kids
busy and entertained. Here are some of those:
1.    Arts and Crafts. After the dull and boring color of winter, spring is all about colors and new life as we see the flowers blooming again. This can inspire and bring out the creative side of a person and so this is a good opportunity to do some craft works with your kids. There are a lot of Spring Craft ideas that you can check online for inspiration. You can decorate an Easter egg with your kids, make paper flowers, learn paper folding, basic drawing skills, and many more. Designate a wall for your kids art work. This will inspire them to create more masterpieces. Remember to rotate often as a reward for their work.
2.    Go out on a Picnic. Families just stayed indoors most of the time during the winter season to keep them warm and so people are eager to go out and enjoy the sun when Spring arrives. Take this time with your kids to go to a nearby park for a picnic. Pack some healthy foods, blanket, and toys and enjoy a day at the park, under the sun with your kids. Kids can freely run around and do activities like kite flying, digging in the sand area, and exercise on the play equipment. It might be a good idea to invite a friend for each child in case your kids tend to bicker like ours.IMG_1526
3.   Check out activities in Community Centers. Your nearby community center may be offering different classes that your kids can try while on vacation. Check out the activities lined up for the month like concerts, shows and the like that you and your kids can attend. Most families never know about the free shows and festivals that happen around their town. It’s amazing what you can find with a little research.
4.    Indoor Fun. If you are looking for a fun and education way to spend time with your kids on Spring Break, take them to museums, the planetarium and even the local library. There are a lot of good museums that are free or low cost. Kids really don’t get a chance to see dino bones, giant art work or great pieces of sculpture in person. These types of trips may just inspire your child to learn more about what they’ve seen. 
5.    Organize a Party. Invite your kids’ friends over for a small party. Some great party ideas include:
·        Spa Party – Buy supplies from a local store and invite the moms too so they can give their child the pampering that they deserve after working hard in school.
·       Pajama or Sleepover Party – Kids love to spend the night with their friends because this is something that they don’t normally do on ordinary days. Prepare popcorn, DVD of their favorite movies for one exciting night that the kids will surely enjoy.
·       Gaming Party – Bring out those video consoles and invite friends over for a video game contest. Keep them off the couch with dancing or sports games. 
·    Pool Party – Barbecue, inflatable, water toys and more. I am sure the kids missed dipping in the pool during the cold winter months so they will really fell excited over a pool party.
With a little creativity and research, who says you need to go out of town to get all these fun? These are just a few ideas that parents can do with their kids to make their vacation exciting, productive and memorable too.
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