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Activities for Kids

Burns From the Playground

Going to the playground provides fun and excitement for a child, as well as exercise. Yet, a day at the park can be dangerous if you are not aware of some of the hazards that […]

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Child Development

Push Creativity

Parents, you hear this often: push creativity, do not harbor it; let it sail. In the article “No New Einstein” by Lee Smolin in PHYSICS TODAY, Smolin discusses the possible reasons for not having found […]

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Child Development

Successfully Put to Bed

Children are smart! They know their instincts and they know them well. Every night just before you even think about putting your children to bed, they know what thought is about to cross your mind […]

wildkin messenger bag

The Messenger Bag

Going to and from school, parents can agree, children seem to pick up anything and everything and stuff it in their backpacks. Some children try to cram so much in there that their bag is […]

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Special Education

Individualized Education Plans

If your child is struggling in school, you may request or be advised to start the process of an Individualized Education Plans (IEP). An IEP is held if a child is deemed to need additional […]

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Featured Products

Personalized Toy Box

Those of you who have children know that toys come in abundance. They are anywhere and everywhere you could possibly imagine! It is hard to find ways to organize your children’s toys so that they […]