photo of a couple sitting with a baby

How to prepare your home for a new baby

It’s easy to feel overwhelmed by all the things you need to do to prepare for your new baby while you’re expecting. You may not know where to begin with hundreds of medical appointments, birthing planning, lifestyle changes, and more. […]

mother helping her daughter use a laptop

Kids and Tech: Using Technology as a Teaching Tool

The definition of the word “learning” has changed over the past year and we all know the reason. Earlier, when one sought to learn something he/she learned to share a room with people who already know about the thing but looking forward to how drastically the circumstances have changed recently, learning isn’t the same anymore. Nowadays, one can learn about anything from the comfort of his/her house. […]

cute siblings resting in green garden
Activities for Kids

What Gardening Teaches Kids about Responsibility

Raising responsible kids is a dream that every parent harbors. Every parent dreams of their kids doing literally everything for themselves. Besides wanting to have time to focus on other things, most parents want their kids to grow up to be responsible adults in the future […]