Some people really struggle to deal with their anxiety that takes place in a classroom setting. Some people just cannot deal with the perpetual pressure there is to always perform well in school. Having good grades can go a really long way in the world and that holds true for any particular sector that you would like to join one day. If you do not like this, then you need to take your expectations down a notch.
Key Takeaways:
- Children experience an array of anxiety types, which stem from different sources.
- Selective mutism, for example stems from anxiety surrounding speaking in specific situations, such as in the classroom.
- Social anxiety hits children when they are so self-conscious that they have a hard time interacting with peers in social situations.
“When children’s minds are filled with unwanted and stressful thoughts. Kids with OCD try to alleviate their anxiety by performing compulsive rituals like counting or washing their hands.”
Read more: https://childmind.org/article/classroom-anxiety-in-children/