Neighborhood Efforts Help Discourage Bullying

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Neighborhood Efforts Help Discourage Bullying
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In addition to parents and teachers, neighborhood efforts help ward off bullying. Anti-bullying campaigns are the most successful when participants include students, parents, faculty, and community leaders.

This method starts with educating parents and staff and moves towards getting the community involved in the school. Including the entire community in bullying prevention guarantees that not only the students and staff but also the parents and the larger community are working toward common goals of kindness and inclusion.  If you get the school involved in the community it increases the likelihood for real change.

Parents need to understand and support the school’s behavior norms and inclusion values by communicating with their children regularly about bullying. Parents should also be good listeners and look for signs that bullying may be taking place.

Have you implemented anti-bullying activities that will help to create a bond between your school and the community?

Getting involved with the community can start small and grow. Members of an anti-bullying club can sponsor events in the community or join coalitions to create inclusion and respond to acts of bullying. They can also join leaders for an organized response when intolerance or hate occurs.

Anti-bullying campaigns can create excitement in the whole community and be effective without being expensive if everyone is contributing their efforts and talents.

To learn more about how neighborhood efforts help ward off bullying, read the original article here: Successful Community Efforts to Prevent Bullying

Teach about being a good citizen in school with this no bully classroom rug

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