Instilling a love of reading is the foundation that learning is built upon. This article covers some basic ideas that can help to create a love of reading in a child. It was written by a school teacher that has always been enthusiastic about instilling the value of reading in her students.
How can you encourage your students to read?
Developing affection for reading in your students isn’t always easy, but it will be well worth it. To encourage a love of reading it’s important to talk about the story after reading. Find out why they love or don’t love the story, what they didn’t understand, and what was most interesting to them.
Why should they want to read? People tend to do things over and over only if they feel it’s valuable, and if they enjoy it. Let the kids come up with reasons they love to read and use that to help motivate the entire class.
It is extremely important that you are enthusiastic about learning new words. When you’re reading together, find a couple of new words that are of interest to them and spend additional time going over them.
Finding a way to increase kids interest in reading may require different formats. Educational graphic novels are a great way to help motivate kids to read. Another helpful tool is to listen to audiobooks. This forces kids to concentrate on the plot, and it can help get them interested in reading because of their interest in the story.
And who knew, but it is actually a good thing to read a story over and over (no matter how tiresome this may seem to you). Each time a student reads a book, you never know what they may gleam from the story.
For a more in-depth understanding of how to encourage kids to love reading, you’ll find the original article here:
12 Ways to Nurture a Love of Reading