Today was Valentine’s Day and now you know spring isn’t far around the corner. If you have a little girl that loves to go to slumber parties or is looking forward to attending her very first one; make sure she has a great sleeping bag and make it a Sugar and Spice.
This child sized sleeping bag is perfect for every little princess from the age of 2-6 years old and has so much to look at! If your little girl likes anything but to the ordinary – she will love this sleeping bag.
Made in a soft lilac color and the sleeping bag has butterflies and flowers stitched right on. A larger flower can serve as a pillow or just something to hug when she’s going to sleep. This sleeping bag is machine washable and will take your little girl through many overnight adventures.
Also if your kiddo enjoys staying overnight occasionally at their grandparents or other relatives, a sleeping bag can make it something special. When you’re an adult, camping out in the living room and sleeping on the floor has little to no appeal; but to a preschooler, that’s how you spell real FUN.
Make an addition that will make your little girl squeal with delight when she sees that you have gotten her not just any old sleeping bag – but a very special one – made just for her!