Makerspace Starter Kid has entertained kids for some time now. This product is for kids wanting to explore their creativity while at school or other places. Upon it’s first release, the kit was available for 350 dollars. Now, the kit has raised an extra 100 dollars and may offer some secret extras. For years LEGO toys have been enjoyed and if you are a big fan looking for extra fun, this kit is a must have.
Key Takeaways:
- One enterprising librarian initiated a free-form learning opportunity for kids to come and construct and learn around their structured class periods.
- The informal learning space uses bean bag chairs and several emptied library carts.
- Kids are encouraged to use crafty items, such as Legos, coloring books, crayons and markers.
“I want you to know that though I’m daring, I’m also cautious and considering.”
Read more: https://www.thedaringlibrarian.com/2018/08/makerspace-starter-kit-updated.html