Classroom Rugs

Night Sky Serene Seating Rug

The Night Sky Serene Classroom Seating Rug is a major statement carpet for modern classroom settings. It features a black background with light gray borders. This rug is made to last. […]

SensoryEdge Serene Seating Rugs
Classroom Rugs

Serene Seating Rugs for Classrooms

Over the years we’ve seen classrooms change in design. No longer do you find rows of seats and desks.
The new trend is to create pods and keep kids more engaged. Teachers also know that keeping kids sitting is a recipe for disaster. Rugs in school have been commonplace for decades. […]

classroom rugs sensoryedge
Classroom Management

How to Clean Your Classroom Rug 

Keep Classroom Rugs Looking Great Your classroom rug requires care to keep it clean and maintain the look you love.  You made the right choice buying a quality classroom rug and our manufacturers back their […]

Teacher's Love Classroom Rugs
Classroom Management

Classroom Rugs: A Teacher’s Best Friend

Having a classroom rug may not seem like a necessity to some, but teachers know that a classroom rug can be their best friend. Classroom rugs range from about 4 feet by 5 feet to 8 feet by 13 feet and can be placed in most classrooms. […]

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Classroom Rugs

Map of the U.S.A. Kids Rug

Geography is an important subject for children of all ages. Children are exposed to geography on a daily basis. From the local news on the radio before school, to the manufactures of the toys your […]

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Classroom Rugs

Geography and Maps

Does your child know your state capital? Can your child pick out the names of the countries that are north and south of the United States on a map? Could your child find countries overseas […]